This semester is very different from any other one. We have been doing online learning since schools were shut down. At the beginning of the year everything seemed to be normal. Then in we got our first case of covid-19. Not long after schools were shut down and we had to do online learning for what was planned to be two weeks. It turned out to be the rest of the year. The courses have been very different and are still changing. We are still trying to adapt to this online learning. In this course we didn't do the same things as our other classes. In this course we have our blogs where we share our thoughts as assignment. 

    As I look back on our experiences something I find most meaningful is that Dr. Preston doesn't make class feel like school. He lets us give our input on things and actually takes them into consideration. He made us create blogs so we can write our own story to our life. Dr. Preston wants us to write our thoughts and opinions. Every time we read Les Mis we have to give our first impression on the chapter. As I consider the work I've done I'm most proud of is that I'm slowly getting out of the habit of procrastination. I am starting to procrastinate a little less. At the beginning I started slacking off and didn't really do any work for a lot of my classes especially this one because I kept forgetting our assignments didn't pop up on canvas. During Les Mis I didn't really understand the book so I didn't comprehend anything that happened so I wouldn't write any first impressions for it. As we got towards the end of the book I started to understand it and it became more interesting to me so I would pay more attention. When I started to understand it is when I started writing the first impressions. 

    The one thing I wish I would have done differently is I shouldn't have slacked off at the beginning of the year. Slacking off at the beginning of the year made it hard to catch up when more and more assignments were given. Something else I wish I would have done differently is I wish I would have asked what the book was about and what was going on because I was so lost I didn't really know what was happening in it. Not knowing what happened in each chapter made it hard for me to write first impressions. 

   As I look forward something I learned in this course that I think will help me in the future is to know that life isn't fair. Jean Valjean went to jail for FIVE years because he stole a loaf of bread to feed his family. In total he was in jail for NINETEEN years because he kept trying to escape. I don't think its reasonable to send someone to jail for five years just because they stole a loaf of bread. This taught me that sometimes life isn't fair. 


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