This semester is very different from any other one. We have been doing online learning since schools were shut down. At the beginning of the year everything seemed to be normal. Then in we got our first case of covid-19. Not long after schools were shut down and we had to do online learning for what was planned to be two weeks. It turned out to be the rest of the year. The courses have been very different and are still changing. We are still trying to adapt to this online learning. In this course we didn't do the same things as our other classes. In this course we have our blogs where we share our thoughts as assignment. As I look back on our experiences something I find most meaningful is that Dr. Preston doesn't make class feel like school. He lets us give our input on things and actually takes them into consideration. He made us create blogs so we can write our own story to our life. Dr. Preston wants us to write our thoughts and opinions. Every...